Composition : Belladonna 3X, Blatta Orientalis 6X, Bryonia
Alba 12X, Eriodictyon Glutinosum 3X, Kali Phosphoricum 12X, Natrum Sulphuricum
12X, Veratrum Album 3X
Indications : Asthma can be caused by Allergies, people with
hay fever may developed bronchial Asthma. Low blood Sugar is associated with
Asthma. Vitamin & Mineral deficiency, Emotional Insecurity Inherited
tendency. Result of Vaccination, Result of Suppression of skin complaint.
Types : Nervous Asthma, Catarrhal Asthma, Bronchial Asthma.
Symptom : Difficult Respiration with wheeziness, face pale,
perspiring, rapid irregular pulse. Patient only wants fresh Airs. Shortness of
breath, Cough, Chest tightness, Wheezing/whistling. Asthma with Bronchitis,
coryza and mucous secretions. Asthma Aggravated by going upstairs, Nervous
Asthma. Asthma in Children, Aggravation by cold air, Dampness. Asthma with
Suffocation, shortness of breath.
Causes of Asthma : Allergies, Air pollution & other air
born irritation. Respiratory infection, physical activity weather & air
(Dosage) Adult : 20 drops 3-4 times a day with lukewarm or
normal water or as directed by the Physician.
Children : 10 drops 3-4 times a day with
lukewarm or normal water or as directed by the Physician.