Composition : Calcarea
Fluorica 12X, Conium Maculatum 6X,
Hedera Helix 4X, Natrum Muriaticum 12X, Galium Aparine 4X, Ailanthus
Glandulosus 4X, Iodium 10X, Thyroidinum 10X
Supports the treatment of hypothyroidism and
hyperthyroidism; enlarged and dysfunctional thyroid gland.
Drops are indicated for treatment of thyroid dysfunction,
including hardening or enlargement of the thyroid gland. This remedy also helps
treat tachycardia, Grave' disease, toxic adenoma, parenchymous nodular goiter,
hyperthyreosis and cardiac conductivity disorder. It is extremely important to
diagnose and treat thyroid problems as this condition may eventually lead to
more serious illness. Causes of thyroid problems may include environmental
intoxification with focus the head area, combined with other stress factors.
Due to modern lifestyles, a latent or mixed form of thyroid dysfunction is
common and minor swelling or knots may be barely visible. The most common
condition is hyper-functioning of the thyroid gland that results from
disruption of the sensitive cooperation between hormones and cardiac
conductivity. Other factors such as psychological stress can also contribute to
thyroid problem.